David Blackwood’s art tells my family’s story

You don't have to be a Newfoundlander to feel David Blackwood's art, but it helps. I'm not a Newfoundlander, but my family's lifeline run deep through the island's rocky skin and bones. My mother's family were fishers, jigging for cod for several generations in the deep waters off Upper Amherst Cove, a small fishing outport 10 kilometres from Bonavista, Canada's most easterly point, a 4-hour circuitous drive from St. John's. A boat can travel by straight line across the Atlantic between … [Read more...]

Fine Art Collector news coverage

FineArtCollector.ca's quest to turn more people on to the love of art collecting got a boost this past week when the Brantford Expositor daily newspaper profiled our new online art gallery. The story, by reporter Michelle Ruby, took up most of the section front called ENT (short for entertainment) on May 2. The headline described the gallery well: "Online gateway to fine art" FineArtCollector.ca founders Clayton Kenyon and Mark Skeffington were both quoted in the story. Clayton … [Read more...]

Becoming an art collector

Few people set out to deliberately become art collectors. It just happens, slowly, gradually, over time, one step, one piece at a time. My journey probably began when my wife and I visited the annual First Nations Art exhibit at Brantford's Woodland Cultural Centre about 10 years ago. The centre has held an annual exhibit of First Nations art for 37 years, in that time showcasing works by artists who went on to fame, although not always good luck or fortune: Norval Morrisseau, Daphne … [Read more...]

Welcome to FineArtCollector.ca

Welcome to our new online art gallery. We are tremendously excited to launch FineArtCollector.ca. We've spent months getting FineArtCollector.ca ready: carefully choosing an exciting lineup of beautiful Canadian art that we've priced aggressively. We're particularly proud to be able to open our online art gallery with art for sale from 7 Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (RCA) artists: David Blackwood, J.W. Beatty, Stanley Cosgrove, William Ronald, Adrian Dingle, Otto Jacobi and Tom … [Read more...]